Welcome to the Zenshin Talent rebrand!
It’s a pleasure to welcome you to the revamped www.zenshin-talent.com
We are currently updating all of our branding to better reflect what Zenshin Talent stands for.
With the help of Harry and the talented folks over at Disruptive Social web design plus our amazing Marketing Department, we can now show everyone what we can do.
When I founded Zenshin Talent, I had a vision of a specialist Data & Ai recruitment company that drew on many years of experience.
As technology moves on, so does the mission of Zenshin Talent.
Cloud has emerged as an important driver of digital transformation within businesses and we understand that if you are looking to build a great Data Science, Machine Learning or AI team, you need an equally great Cloud environment. As always, the major pain point is finding those niche candidates, not yet on the job market, that will be able to propel your projects and business forward.
Our old branding reflected an older way of seeing/doing things so we knew it was time for a change.
We hope you love it as much as we do.
Best Regards,
Founder, Zenshin Talent